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Bazi Fortune-Telling (八字算命) & 12 Zodiac Forecast for 2020 (十二生肖流年運程)

Date: 22 January, 2020 (Wednesday) 7:00pmVenue: HKU SPACE – ADC306Address: Room 306, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong This talk will be conducted in Cantonese with the objective of providing you an insight for your wealth, career, relationship, health, and gossips according to your Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Rat 2020. So, …

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Practical Story-telling for Interview & Networking Workshop

Date: 24.05.2019 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Venue: Room 303, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Admiralty Speaker(s): Mr Kevin Ho – Personal Development Specialist

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Australia Update Trend, Life, Education & Property

Time: registration 6:30pm; seminar 7-8pm; Q&A: 8-8:30pm Admission: Free Venue: HKUSpace, Rm 315, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road. Admiralty Language: Cantonese Event sponsors: Central Equity, Australia award winning developer over 30 years experience AAS Education Consultancy 博華海外升學中心,starting 2001 year experience Their consultants will give us update information with Lucky draw prize ? RSVP: [email protected]/ …

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HKU SPACE Alumni Week 2017

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HKU SPACE 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner

HKU SPACE was founded in May 1957 as the Department of Extra Mural Studies of the University of Hong Kong, and has been a leader in professional and continuing education in the territory for six decades. The School is committed to providing professional programmes and personal enrichment courses for Hong Kong people from every sector …

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香港大學專業進修學院年度音樂會:60 Years of Pop, Rock & Musicals

本年度音樂會將於2017年4月4日(星期二)晚上8時正假香港文化中心音樂廳舉行。今年音樂會除了有香港大學附屬學院同學的音樂劇演出,還邀請到著名樂隊Supper Moment、組合鍾氏兄弟、學院聲樂導師郭婉玲女士、校友Miss Raii Tan以及孔惠佳小姐演繹多首經典流行曲! 除慶祝學院60週年外,音樂會同時亦為「HKU SPACE Student Transformation Fund」籌款,目的為向有需要的學生提供經濟援助以及促進學生的全人發展。為表謝意,捐款滿HK$200或以上的校友可獲贈音樂會指定區域[舞台前1至10行]門票2張 (按此參閱指定區域位置),門票數量有限,送完即止。 <網上捐款登記> 按此瀏覽音樂會詳情。

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Great South Australian Wine Tasting

Join us on 25 Oct to celebrate the newest member of the Great Wine Capitals Global Network – Adelaide, South Australia. As your host for the evening, we invite you to join us to taste world-class wines from the region’s most renowned wineries, and discover why Adelaide has just been named the latest “Great Wine …

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日期: 2016年6月28日 (星期二) 時間: 晚上7時至8時 地點: 金鐘夏愨道18號海富中心2樓206室 講者: 陳嘉璐醫生

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2016-06-17 HKUSPACE Happy Hour Gathering


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HKU SPACE ALUMNI 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner 2015

The Gala Dinner will be held on 3 July 2015 (Friday) at 7:30pm in Loke Yew Hall at the University of Hong Kong. We will review the ALUMNI from its inception and celebrate its various achievements over the decade. Apart from the light-hearted speeches from alumni, we promise to provide you an enjoyable and entertaining …

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《聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑2012 / UNICEF Charity Run 2012》活動義工招募

香港大學專業進修學院公共關係及企業傳播校友會 (HKU SPACE PRCC) 《聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑2012 / UNICEF Charity Run 2012》活動義工招募 香港大學專業進修學院公共關係及企業傳播校友會 (HKU SPACE PRCC) 為響應聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)「攜手為兒童.攜手抗愛滋」全球項目,現正公開招募PRCC校友、HKU SPACE校友會義工及各界朋友,為《聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑2012》賽事擔任義務工作者。 《聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑》為本港最大型專業長跑賽事之一,今年吸引了13,200名跑手參加,目標為UNICEF的防治愛滋病病毒母嬰傳播工作籌集港幣900萬元善款,以購買「愛滋病快速測試套裝」- 若母親能及早發現自己帶有愛滋病毒,便能通過適當的藥物治療,預防愛滋病毒傳染給嬰孩,實現「零愛滋世代」。 這項大型長跑活動需要很多義工的支持,故希望大家能踴躍參與。義務工作的詳情如下 – 日期         :     2012年11月25日 (星期日) 合適義工  :     16歲或以上人士 集合時間  :     約早上3時,上車地點詳情請按此 服務時間  :     早上4時至12時 地點         :     香港迪士尼樂園度假區及欣澳 大會安排: …

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PRCC & MCAA Marco Polo German Bierfest 2012

The annual Marco Polo German Bierfest is coming up with the following details: Date: 27 October 2012 (Saturday) Time: 7:30pm to 11:30pm Venue: Viewing Platform, Level 6, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, TST Price: $220 per ticket This year, a table at good location is specially reserved for HKUSPACE PRCC & MCAA members. This is first-come-first …

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搵工冇難道!9月13-14日近3,000份筍工等你搶 荃新天地1期

求職進修良機     萬勿錯過「筍工招聘進修展」 搵工冇難度!9 月 13 – 14 日近 3,000 份筍工等你搶荃新天地 1 期 Job Market 於 9 月 13 – 14 日舉辦「筍工招聘進修展」,屆時會有知名招聘企業參與,提供過 3,000 份最有前景工種職位,包括:香港迪士尼、香港賽馬會和太古資源提供大量全職及兼職職位。另外會有資深職場及進修專家駐場提供求職、創業、轉型以及履歷表諮 詢服務,仲有人氣講者 759 阿信屋創辦人林偉駿、年輕人氣歌手麥貝夷 + 鍾一憲及星之子陳易希等,教各位畢業大軍及轉工一族脫離「窮忙族」。立即報名參加,把握即場面試及申請機會!詳情如下: 筍工招聘進修展 日期 : 9 月 13 及 14 日 時間 : 上午 11:00 ─ 下午 6:00 地點 : 荃灣荃新天地一期高層地下 (UG)  中庭 費用 : 全免 活動  1) 有關搶工攻略、轉型致富發則及潮業達人成功秘笈講座: …

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HKUSPACE PRCC Bowling for Fun in Summer

  Dear all HKUSPACE PRCC alumni members and friends, We sincerely invite you to join our upcoming summer activity on 26th May, 2012 (Saturday). Please refer to the details below: Event:   HKUSPACE PRCC Bowling for Fun in Summer Date:     26th May, 2012 (Sat) Time:    6:00pm – 8:00pm Venue:  EMax, Kowloon Bay Meeting Location: 5:15pm at Mark & Spencer Shop, Telford Garden (九龍灣德福花園商場馬莎門口等, …

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創 意 行 銷 提 升 銷 量 Creative Marketing to Boost Higher Sales

HKU SPACE specially brings you an evening seminar on Creative Marketing to Boost Higher Sales. Festivals no longer provide valid reasons for shopping, marketers have to unleash their imagination by making the best use of technology, new shopping modes or anything innovative. In this era of creativity, enhancing shopping experience through new and interesting methods …

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PRCC Karaoke 2012-03-24

See you there 🙂

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2012-02-23 Drink Gathering

Happy Birthday Joyce!!! More Photos: Click here

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PRCC Drinks Night Spring 2012 (Happy Hour)

Dear HKUSPACE PRCC alumni, We sincerely invite you to join our next happy hour gathering on 23rd February, 2012 (Thursday) night. The purpose of this activity is to provide an opportunity for every PRCC & HKUSPACE Alumni to gather with other alumni and friends under a casual environment and exchange ideas. Please refer to below details: Event:   PRCC Drinks Night Spring 2012 (Happy Hour) …

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HKU SPACE Alumni Talk on 16 Feb 2012

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2011-12-04 PRCC @ HK Disneyland

So much fun at HK Disneyland 🙂 Please check out the photos here: Photos    

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