求職進修良機 萬勿錯過「筍工招聘進修展」 搵工冇難度!9 月 13 – 14 日近 3,000 份筍工等你搶荃新天地 1 期 Job Market 於 9 月 13 – 14 日舉辦「筍工招聘進修展」,屆時會有知名招聘企業參與,提供過 3,000 份最有前景工種職位,包括:香港迪士尼、香港賽馬會和太古資源提供大量全職及兼職職位。另外會有資深職場及進修專家駐場提供求職、創業、轉型以及履歷表諮 詢服務,仲有人氣講者 759 阿信屋創辦人林偉駿、年輕人氣歌手麥貝夷 + 鍾一憲及星之子陳易希等,教各位畢業大軍及轉工一族脫離「窮忙族」。立即報名參加,把握即場面試及申請機會!詳情如下: 筍工招聘進修展 日期 : 9 月 13 及 14 日 時間 : 上午 11:00 ─ 下午 6:00 地點 : 荃灣荃新天地一期高層地下 (UG) 中庭 費用 : 全免 活動 1) 有關搶工攻略、轉型致富發則及潮業達人成功秘笈講座: …
Category: Jobs
Messages from HKU SPACE
Permanent link to this article: https://www.prccac.com/3000-jobs-wait-for-you/
Aug 27 2011
Senior Executive Officer in the Community College [RF: 2011/12-FT-058-CTOL]
Duties: The appointee will assist in campus and office administration and provide secretarial support to committees/meetings. Major duties include overseeing general administration of three main Community College campuses, such as classroom allocation, office administration and counter operation, establishing and reviewing operational procedures and guidelines, managing the plan of campus accommodation and facilities, liaising with other …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.prccac.com/senior-executive-officer-in-the-community-college-rf-201112-ft-058-ctol/