Category: Message from HKU SPACE
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HKU SPACE was founded in May 1957 as the Department of Extra Mural Studies of the University of Hong Kong, and has been a leader in professional and continuing education in the territory for six decades. The School is committed to providing professional programmes and personal enrichment courses for Hong Kong people from every sector …
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本年度音樂會將於2017年4月4日(星期二)晚上8時正假香港文化中心音樂廳舉行。今年音樂會除了有香港大學附屬學院同學的音樂劇演出,還邀請到著名樂隊Supper Moment、組合鍾氏兄弟、學院聲樂導師郭婉玲女士、校友Miss Raii Tan以及孔惠佳小姐演繹多首經典流行曲! 除慶祝學院60週年外,音樂會同時亦為「HKU SPACE Student Transformation Fund」籌款,目的為向有需要的學生提供經濟援助以及促進學生的全人發展。為表謝意,捐款滿HK$200或以上的校友可獲贈音樂會指定區域[舞台前1至10行]門票2張 (按此參閱指定區域位置),門票數量有限,送完即止。 <網上捐款登記> 按此瀏覽音樂會詳情。
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The Gala Dinner will be held on 3 July 2015 (Friday) at 7:30pm in Loke Yew Hall at the University of Hong Kong. We will review the ALUMNI from its inception and celebrate its various achievements over the decade. Apart from the light-hearted speeches from alumni, we promise to provide you an enjoyable and entertaining …
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HKU SPACE specially brings you an evening seminar on Creative Marketing to Boost Higher Sales. Festivals no longer provide valid reasons for shopping, marketers have to unleash their imagination by making the best use of technology, new shopping modes or anything innovative. In this era of creativity, enhancing shopping experience through new and interesting methods …
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Dear PRCC Alumni, The annual event of the HKU SPACE Alumni, Alumni Week 2011 will be held very soon. This year, we have invited a food supplier to provide high quality 日本黑豚肉, 北海道帶子 and 日本清酒 for a happy hour gathering in a Jazz Bar in Central and the registration fee is only $50 per alumnus! …
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The new School Branding campaign was successfully launched on August 19 to promote Lifelong Learning – the core mission of the School. As mentioned in the previous email, starting from 26th August, a purposely built mini-site with the aim to share the anecdote of Leonardo da Vinci and his great knowledge is completed and is …
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Date: 05 Sep 2011 Time: 19:00 – 20:30 (Registration starts at 18:30) Venue: Room 204, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (access via the Shopping Arcade escalators through Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station) Speaker: Professor Pierre Mora, Bordeaux Management School Enquiry: Steven Fung Email: [email protected]
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Date: 01 Sep 2011 Time: 7pm-8:30pm (Registration starts at 6:30pm) Venue: 2/F, Room 204, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong Speaker: Ms Candice Lai Zee Suen, Director of Bite Limited (umbrella company to Triple O’s HK and Yo Mama) Enquiry: For enquiry, please contact Ms Lai at 2867 8482 or send email at [email protected] …
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Date: 31 Aug 2011 Time: 7:00- 8:30pm Venue: Room 204, 2/F Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, H.K. (Admiralty MTR Exit A) Speaker: Mr. Kevin Yeung Enquiry: 29755708 Ms. Cenny Hui ([email protected]) Shopper Marketing: A New Perspective on the Integrated Shopper Experience HKU SPACE specially brings you an evening seminar on Shopper Marketing: A New …
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Dear Alumni, We are delighted to announce that a new School Branding Campaign has just been kicked off. “Learning never exhausts the mind”, a famous quote from Leonardo da Vinci has been selected as the theme of the campaign to exemplify and promote lifelong learning – the core mission of the School. A new …
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Background of HKU SPACE Volunteers To help build a loving and caring community, HKU SPACE ALUMNI (the ALUMNI) establishes HKU SPACE Volunteers. It aims to serve the community by providing voluntary support services to the needy, and to broaden the network of our alumni members. Training courses will be provided to volunteers to strengthen their …
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