HKUSPACE Newsletter – PRCC Joined UNICEF Charity Run 2011

HKUSPACE newsletter alumni news: more than 50 volunteers from PRCC & HKUSPACE took part in Unicef Charity Run 2011 last November, the second largest distance running event in HK.

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PRCC Karaoke 2012-03-24

See you there 🙂

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2012-02-23 Drink Gathering

Happy Birthday Joyce!!!

More Photos: Click here

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PRCC Drinks Night Spring 2012 (Happy Hour)

Dear HKUSPACE PRCC alumni,

We sincerely invite you to join our next happy hour gathering on 23rd February, 2012 (Thursday) night. The purpose of this activity is to provide an opportunity for every PRCC & HKUSPACE Alumni to gather with other alumni and friends under a casual environment and exchange ideas.

Please refer to below details:

Event:   PRCC Drinks Night Spring 2012 (Happy Hour)

Date:     23/2/2012 (Thur)

Time:    7:30pm-9:00pm

Venue:  G Bar, 4/F, IFC Mall, Central

Please see attached invitation. This is a very good chance to catch up with our PRCC & HKUSPACE alumni and members in new spring season. Do come and join us!

For anyone interested, please reply to email: [email protected] or contact Karen Cheung at 9338 2590.

We look forward to seeing you on 23rd February.


Best regards,

Ivan Chan

HKUSPACE Public Relations and Corporate Communications Alumni Chapter

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HKU SPACE Alumni Talk on 16 Feb 2012

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PR discussion issue: Clickz. Asia comments on how the western luxury brand should respond to its social media woes in Hong Kong

Luxury retailer Dolce & Gabbana is the target of protests online and offline after it was accused of banning locals from shooting photos outside its flagship store in Hong Kong’s Tsim Sha Tsu neighborhood yet permitted Mainland China tourists to take photos……Read more discussion at

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and have fun in this holiday season!

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12月24日至 27日「香港冬季購物節」及「冬日美食嘉年華」免費贈券



不經不覺 PRCC 已經成立兩周年了!  為慶祝聖誕及答謝大家一直對我地既支持,所有 PRCC會員或Facebook會員可免費獲贈由12月24日至27日於香港會議展覽中心舉行之「香港冬季購物節」及「冬日美食嘉年華」通行證5張。如有興趣索取贈券,請於12月19日或之前將個人姓名、郵寄地址及聯絡電話電郵至 [email protected],贈券將於12月22日前寄出。數量有限,送完即止。想同屋企人或朋友仔有個開心購物的聖誕?  快些電郵給我們吧!

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2011-12-04 PRCC @ HK Disneyland

So much fun at HK Disneyland 🙂

Please check out the photos here: Photos



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Mission Complete!! 2011-11-27 UNICEF Charity Run 2011

2011-11-27 UNICEF Charity Run 2011 @ HK Disneyland Resort

Group Photo

Group Photo at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

More Photos here: Photos

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Happy Birthday PRCC


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PRCC Committee and HKUSPACE Volunteers Fully Support UNICEF Charity Run (27.11.2011)

HKUSPACE PRCC Supports UNICEF Charity Run 2011: Unite for Children – Unite against AIDS. We Need Your Care for the World.

More than 55 volunteers from HKUSPACE PRCC Committee & HKUSPACE alumni will join hands together on 27 Nov to support another meaningful big charity event of this year – UNICEF Charity Run. This charity run is running for the 5 consecutive years and attracted over 32,000 runners to raise funds for UNICEF’s  “Unite for Children – Unite against AIDS” Global Campaign.

HKUSPACE PRCC will lead the alumni to participate in the upcoming event, hoping to utilize our event management skills and resources to continue promoting a spirit of caring society as well as to foster a good relationship between PRCC & HKUSPACE alumni. This is PRCC’s biggest event to celebrate our 2nd anniversary since establishment on 22 Nov 2009.

3 Weeks to Go Only! You can still support this event by enrolling 10km run. For details, please visit official website:

Let’s Run for Children on 27 Nov!   Let’s Care Our World and Support Us!


PRCC fully supports UNICEF Charity Run 2011


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《聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑2011 / UNICEF Charity Run 2011》活動義工招募

香港大學專業進修學院公共關係及企業傳播校友會 (HKU SPACE PRCC) 為響應聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)「攜手為兒童 攜手抗愛滋」全球項目,現正公開招募PRCC校友、HKU SPACE校友會會員及各界朋友,為《聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑2011》賽事擔任義務工作。《聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑》為本港最大型專業長跑賽事之一,過去5年共吸引逾32,000名跑手參加,籌得善款超過港幣2,800萬元,有效地支援聯合國兒童基金會發展中國家愛滋病項目。第六屆慈善跑將於11月27日舉行,目標籌得港幣850萬,以購買「愛滋病快速測試套裝」,協助世界發展中國家的母親及早進行預防愛滋病母嬰傳染的工作。

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HKU SPACE Alumni Week 校友週2011: 黑豚肉、帶子及清酒試食聚會;林煥光先生、羅乃萱女士主題講座

Dear PRCC Alumni,

The annual event of the HKU SPACE Alumni, Alumni Week 2011 will be held very soon.  This year, we have invited a food supplier to provide high quality 日本黑豚肉, 北海道帶子 and 日本清酒 for a happy hour gathering in a Jazz Bar in Central and the registration fee is only $50 per alumnus!  Besides, two community leaders Mr Lam Woon-kwong and 羅乃萱女士 will also give us inspiring sharing.

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PRCC 會員尊享8折優惠 高效提升:溝通、領導、銷售及談判技巧 (9月24日開課)

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2011-10-29 PRCC Marco Polo German Bierfest and Halloween Party

In the past 19 years, Marco Polo German Bierfest was an astounding and unprecedented success, serving hundred thousands of beer-loving guests in HK.  The event was also very popular among non beer lovers with fantastic music, dance, games and food delivered.  Now on its 20th anniversary, the Bierfest is still the most traditional and authentic, largest and longest running outdoor German Bierfest in Asia.

Details of PRCC event:

Date : October 29, 2011 (Saturday)

Time : 7:30pm to 11:30pm

Venue : Viewing Platform, Level 6, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK.

Entrance fee : HK$200 per ticket (includes a glass of beer and one mug)

Deadline:  September 20 –  Limited seats available for 20 persons only (first-come-first-served)

To provide an excellent opportunity for alumni & students to enjoy both German Bierfest and Halloween period, PRCC has specially reserved a table on October 29.  All participants are welcome to bring your Halloween costume for the big party.  Due to the popularity of this annual event and limited seats available only, please confirm us your attendance ASAP.

Celebrate and enjoy the happiest moment with us in upcoming Halloween! For ticket reservation, pls email to [email protected] or contact Karen Cheung at 9338 2590 for enquiry.


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Realities and imperatives of the digital age / Filipino World View By Roberto R. Romulo

“Indeed, as Asian digital communities – from Chennai to Chengdu to Cairns – increasingly spend time consuming information and dynamic content from online sources, we are witnessing a shift in magnitude in how companies need to plan and manage communications for the future. The possibilities are exciting”. – Bob Pickard, Asia-Pacific president and CEO, Burson-Marsteller (BM).

The rise of social media

Data shows that the spread of the Internet and the growing use of social media in Asia Pacific are amazing.

Already 58 percent of Asia Pacific’s population of 3.9 billion is online – with Australia and South Korea leading at 80-percent penetration rate; and Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong rounding up the Region’s top five.

ASEAN member-states have also been experiencing spectacular Internet growth rates and reasonable Internet penetration rates. But the real story is the rise of mobile phones in the ASEAN region. Many analysts are predicting that with the increasing widespread use of smart phones, most of ASEAN’s citizens would eventually use mobile devices as the primary tool to access the Internet.

Please visit to read more comprehensive figures from the Philippine Star’s Robert Romulo cites B-M Asia-Pacific’s Social Media Infographics in this week’s column on the ‘realities and imperatives’ of the digital age.

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The School Branding mini-site goes live

The new School Branding campaign was successfully launched on August 19 to promote Lifelong Learning – the core mission of the School.  As mentioned in the previous email, starting from 26th August, a purposely built mini-site with the aim to share the anecdote of Leonardo da Vinci and his great knowledge is completed and is now going live in the School website.


You can view the film production as well as the following interesting items from the mini-site which surely cannot be missed:-

  • The Legendary Life of Leonardo da Vinci
  • 10 Great Knowledges: Pick out 10 interesting creations among his major achievement in various disciplines
  • Anecdote of Leonardo da Vinci: Visit the amusing episodes that traced bits and pieces of information, his scientific and artistic pursuits
  • Interactive Quiz: to walkthrough the major achievements in both the realms of engineering and fine art
  • The making of  “Live it, Learn it” short film: from conception to the delivery of the final film


Let’s visit and enjoy the mini-site (, learn more about the great master and further spread his spirit which exemplifies the core mission of the School.


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The Key to Success in 2011: Integrating Technology with Business Knowledge

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Nice Photos :-)


Happy Birthday!!!

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